Story of addiction (S01 E10)

I dialled Bidemi's number... she picked and first thing she asked was that 'who were you talking to that took you so long'. I told her it was her sister and she was thanking me for coming along with her. I had to discharged her when your calls keeps beeping. She seems satisfied with my excuse. I narrated the whole story to her. How Kikelomo gave out my number to Chioma. But I dint tell her anything about Motunrayo. She sinked everything in. I told her that I missed her but I don't have airtime on my phone to call her then. She explained how she wept when I left with her sister. I apologised and I told her that my mind was worried all through the party (lies).
Me: your sister can dance oooo
Bidemi: Yes ooo... she can oo but she sef knows her master.
Me: na lie jo.... you can dance but not up to what I saw today
Bidemi: I go show you tomorrow
Me: Okay... I will come to your house late tomorrow because I need to fill my GCE Form.
Bidemi: can I come?.... please don't say no like in the morning.
Me: Funny you.... yes you can come!

We chatted for a while then we call it a day. Told her that no night call because I don't want her to break my head this time for not picking. We kissed good night.
Now 10pm.... still thinking of the party and my life. Four days ago I don't have a girlfriend but now I'm being sandwich between four beautiful ladies. If this is a dream... I wish to never wake up. I smiled and I remembered that I promised to call Kikelomo before going to bed. Dials her number and she picks..
Kikelomo: Hello
Me: Hi dear
Kikelomo: Hmnnnn.... don't start that one with me oooo! I'm not your dear (giggling).
Me: Okay.... I was really tempted today oooo.... maybe we would have been on no talking terms by now.
Kikelomo: hmnnnnn... why would you say such a thing? there's nothing you can do that would make me not want to talk with you.
Me: you already know you are a beautiful lady and lots of guys would have told you that already.... when we were dancing together, you looked more beautiful than ever. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen except my mummy...
Kikelomo: hmnnnnn..... (her voice was now low)
Me: seriously.... I was really tempted kissing you on the dance floor today.
Kikelomo: then what stops u?
Me: because I'm not your boyfriend
Kikelomo: (laughing) thank God that you did not... you don get girlfriend be that.
Me: good... anytime we are alone, I will kiss you and make you my girlfriend.
Kikelomo: you can't ... but on a serious note I really want to kiss you.
Me: seriously...
Kikelomo: (giggles) yes
Me: tomorrow... it's a date then
Kikelomo: date for kissing? .. okay ooo.. I want to sleep now. Thanks for calling back.
Me: my pleasure... Dream about me kissing you ooo
Kikelomo: (laughing) you are not serious.. odaro jo. Sweet dreams.
Me: good night... (she ends the call)
I have two sisters at my beck and call now.... it seems something weird is happening to me... and I'm just happy about it. Motunrayo and Chioma Still on my radar. Wanted to
dial Motunrayo's number but I have more than I can chew right now. Tomorrow is gonna be a great day... I get to kiss Kikelomo and Bidemi. (kolo don dey enter your head). Tomorrow go bad
gan.I was still thinking about the whole issue.... I just dozed off
without eating my dinner (life good ooo).